Portland based UX/UI Designer, code enthusiast, multimedia creative.

As a solution-oriented designer, my goal is to leverage User Experience (UX) principles to uncover problems, ideate strategies for success, and heed User Interface (UI) best practices to bring solutions to life for users and stakeholders alike. My process follows a tested methodology that strongly emphasizes the synthesis of data and empathy for optimal results.


Approach is structured, methodical and driven by curiosity. It aims to discover current pain points.

Define & Ideate

Research insights help me define the problem more clearly and begin to ideate feasible solutions.

Design & Test

Paper sketches go digital for user testing. Key findings drive iterations that reflect the user.
UX Design Tools
Web Development Tools
Multimedia Tools
UX Design Tools
Web Development Tools
Multimedia Tools

Featured Projects

Responsive Website Redesign

Bridging the gap between Portland residents, market stakeholders, and local venders to redesign a website that belongs to everyone in the community!

Landing Page Design

Designing a landing experience to highlight the unique surfing culture of LOGE’s Westport, WA location, and successfully funnel users towards booking a stay.

Responsive Website Redesign

Diving into the agency’s site heuristics and information architecture for a redesign that is inviting to even the most tech-apprehensive Washingtonians.

Other Projects

Audio Production

Process write-up coming soon. In the meantime Soundcloud link is live – Happy listening!

Video Production

With a little help from object isolation and key frame manipulation techniques, a skier’s wipeout spirals out into the cosmos.
Learn More About Me